Suzanne Crolley
(828) 301-0814
Instagram: suzannecrolley
Consigned portrait commission prices range from $400 - $800
My style is a combination of realism and impressionism. I am classically trained in the renaissance master way of painting and drawing. I can actually trace my lineage back to the renaissance period through my teacher.
Along my journey I started being drawn to a more impressionistic style, which offered freedom when I approached my work. Realism was a way to hone my art skills, but I also wanted my own style. I got tired of hearing, “It looks just like a photo”. In an age where photos are everywhere, I wanted my art to be more than just photo-realistic — I wanted it to be how I saw my subject.
Currently I work in oils because I find it keeps me loose as well as in control of the medium. My favorite subjects are portraits (people and pets) and landscapes — both have a soul and an expression that I find intriguing.
Marshland #2, 30"x30", oil, $475
Portrait of JR, 11"x14", oil on linen, NFS