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Membership dues are $50 per year. Membership year runs from November 1st to October 31st.

Membership meetings are the 3rd Thursday of every month at 10:00am at Eisenhower Recreation Center.
New members joining after April 1st, 2025 are not eligible to enter the April 26, 2025 exhibition.

(For ease and and readability, the Membership Form can be filled out electronically on your computer before printing using the live fields in each section. The PDF can be save on your computer and act as a copy for your records. The printed version will be attached with your payment and sent to FAS)

Membership Benefits

  • Participate in member exhibitions.

  • Exhibit 2 paintings in the Online Members Gallery. Send the following information to cindy.vener@gmail.com:

    • Member artist name, phone number, email address, website URL, Facebook account, Instagram account and brief Artist Statement/BIO ( under 1,000 characters)

    • “Clean” JPEG images of up to 2 paintings, (minimum 1000 pixels on one side, no frames in image) along with artwork title, medium, dimensions and price (or NFS).